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On September 11, 2001, an awful thing happened. Four planes crashed across the US. Three of them were fatal. Two crashed into the two World Trade Center towers in New York, one crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C., and yet another crashed somewhere in Pennsylvania, this being the only flight not killing more people than were aboard the planes.
First, at about 8:50, one plane hit one of the WTC towers. Five to ten minutes later another crashed into the second tower, lower than the first. After a while, the tower that was hit second collapsed and created all sorts of dust and flung debris everywhere within more than a 5 block radius.
UEN sends condolences to all the families and friends of those affected by the attacks.
There are all sorts of things including: in gaming; news, cheats, reviews, previews, info, screenshots, and more for GameCube, xBox, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, PS1, pocket systems, and the PC. In sports; news, including previous days' games scores for NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL and more. In movies; news, new releases, upcoming films, reviews and more. In TV; news, new series, new developments, reviews and more. In books; news, new releases, upcoming books, and more. In search; over 5 different search engines - all availible from 1 page! In weather, well, that pretty much explains itself. ENJOY!
UEN | Ultimate Entertainment.
Since September 23, 2001
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